PATENTS 2805. ----- [ROELEN, O.] (Ruhrchemie A. G.). [Removing Sulfur Compounds From Gases.] German Patent 659,407, May 3, 1938 (Cl. 26 d-8.04). Chem. Zentralb., 1938, II, p. 811; Chem. Abs., vol. 32. 1938, p. 6038. Granular composition for desulfurizing gases is made from a mixture of Fe oxides and /or hydroxides with more than 5% of an alkali carbonate by making the mixture into a paste with H2O at a moderately raised temperature, partly drying the mixture, allowing it to cool, and crushing the product. Alternatively, the partly dried mixture may be molded by extrusion while still hot, and then further dried and crushed. |