2791. Roelen, O. [Catalytic Conversion of Carbon
Oxides Into Hydrocarbons of Higher Molecular Weight by Hydrogenation.]
German Patent 748,287, Oct. 31, 1944 : appl. R 95,118, filed Jan. 1, 1936 (Cl.
12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA-90, frames 1,587-1,588; PB 70,275; Meyer
Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. V. 1949, ch. 157, p. 38.
Process of German Patent 701,846 (abs. 2810) for
regenerating the catalyst after short periods of use by treatment with H2
is improved by using H2 free from CO2. It is also
advantageous to regenerate under increased pressure.