In producing an Fe catalyst for the synthesis of gasoline from CO and H2, a substance consisting essentially of Fe and Cu hydroxides or their carbonates or mixtures of these hydroxides and carbonates is precipitated from solutions of the salts of these metals by alkali and deposited on diatomaceous earths and then mixed with a small amount of alkali and boric acid or 1 or 2 of their salts. The alkali and boric acid are added simultaneously or separately. Previous to the addition of boric acid or its salts, activity promoters such as pyrolusite (MnO2), alumina or the like may be added. It is said that this catalyst greatly improves the yield of gasoline from about 50 ml. to > 120 ml. per m.3 of synthesis gas. A further advantage consists in the H2 reduction of the catalyst at the reaction temperature instead of a higher one. ------. See abs. 929. KUBICO, M. See abs. 872. KÜHNEL, P. See abs. 373.