1904. KÖLBEL, H., AND ACKERMANN, P. (Steinkohlen-Bergwerk "Rheinpreussen").
[Hydrocarbons From Gaseous Mixtures of Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen, and Carbon
Dioxide.] German Patent 728,217, Nov. 23, 1942; appl. St 57,312, filed Apr.
6, 1938 (Cl 12 o-1.03). Chem. Zentralb., 1943, I, p. 1741; Chem.
Abs., vol. 37, 1943, p. 6856.
Synthesis is carried out with the aid of Fe catalysts. Before the catalysts
attain their maximum effectiveness the feed gas contains no CO2.
After the peak is reached the gas may contain CO2.