1846.  KEUNECKE, E., AND NIENBURG, H. (I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G.). [Fatty Acids From Raw Paraffins.] German Patent 744,079, Jan. 8, 1944; appl. I 67,223, OZ 12,204, filed June 20, 1940 (Cl. 12 o-11). FIAT Reel 163, frames 2,001-2,004; PB 25,607; FIAT Reel E-29, frames 616-617; PB 70,432; Meyer Transl. PC-S-IV, Wax Oxidation, vol. 3, chap. 31, 1949, p.1.

Technical crude paraffin obtained in the processing of petroleum or tars or the hydrogenation or pressure extracts of brown coal is purified by first treating it with organic solvents such as the forerunning fatty acids from a previous paraffin oxidation followed by oxidation in the known manner by gases containing molecular O2.