1802.  ------. [KASSEL, L. S.] (Universal Oil Products Co.). Method of Controlling Exothermic Gas Reactions. United States Patent 2,566,337, Sept. 4, 1951; appl. filed July 26, 1946, Serial No. 686,440; 5 claims (Cl. 260-449.6).

Method as described is sepcifically applicable to the synthesis of hydrocarbons from CO and H2. It comprises passing the gaseous mixture upward through the catalyst bed and controlling the temperature in the bed by passing, countercurrently to the flow of incoming gases, a liquid hydrocarbon fraction consisting essentially of a light, narrow-boiling hydrocarbon fraction and a heavy, substantially nonvolatile hydrocarbon fraction having an initial boiling point substantially higher than the end boiling point of the volatile hydrocarbon fraction. The light hydrocarbons remove the exothermic heat of reaction by vaporization thereof, and the heavy hydrocarbons prevent any temperature gradient throughout the catalyst bed because of decreasing volatility of the light hydrocarbon fraction during its passage downward through the bed and the decreasing volume of reactants as they pass upward therethrough. Formulas are presented for determining the vapor pressures and rates of the components necessary to obtain a satisfactory uniformity of temperature throughout the reaction zone.

KATAYAMA, I. See abs. 1879.