1783.  JOKLIK, A., AND KECK, R. (Wiener Stadtwerke). [Synthetic Town Gas.] Austrian Patent 174,598, Apr. 10, 1953. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 5667.

In making synthetic town gas from CH4-containing hydrocarbons by catalytic oxidation in the gaseous phase, undesired amounts of soot often develop if the O2 content of the used oxidizing gas is above that of the air. To avoid this, the gasification process is conducted in a closed cycle, town gas being admixed to the hydrocarbons entering the process. The reaction is conducted in a contact furnace in a single step with dry and cold, optionally cooled, gaseous hydrocarbons as starting materials. Describes a plant for carrying out the process.

JOLLEY, L. J. See abs. 202, 203.

JONES, F. S. B. See abs. 278, 2823.