The catalyst used in the hydrogenation of CO, included with other constituents such as Ni or Co, can be dissolved in H2SO4 and precipated at 60° -70° with an alkaline carbonate solution. The precipitate is essentially Th, and the other constituents remain in solution. The precipitate is dissolved in H2SO4 and a solution of K2SO4 or a mixture of K2SO4 and Na2SO4 or KCl and Na2SO4 or KCl and H2SO4 is added. The precipitated double salt of Th-K-sulfate will be separated from the solution and changed into insoluble Th carbonate, which results through heating with a concentrated solution of alkali or ammonium carbonate. One uses an excess of carbonate and heats the solution to 90° to precipiate the Fe present in the form of colloidal hydroxide which is filtered off. The Th carbonate is precipitated with H2SO4 or HCl. This is washed with warm H2O and dissolved in 60% HNO3. This solution is then ready for the production of fresh catalyst. |