1608.  ------.  [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE, A. G.]  [Unsaturated Hydrocarbons and Hydrogen.]  British Patent 269,547. Apr. 15. 1926.  Chem. Abs., vol. 22, 1928. p. 1364.

            CH4 or other saturated hydrocarbons are subjected to a treatment suitable for producing unsaturated hydrocarbons, and the residual gases are converted into a mixture containing CO and H2 by treatment with steam or O2 or both with or without a catalyst.  In the first stage of the process an electric arc or incomplete combustion may be employed as described in British Patent 264,845 (abs. 1216) and British Patent 265,234 (abs. 1318).  C2H2 may be produced from CH4 and H2 in an electric arc, the C2H2 may be absorbed in C, and the residual gas may be brought to a temperature of about 1,100º by preheating and partial combustion and then passed with steam over a catalyst containing Ni and Al2O3 to obtain C oxides and CH4.  CH4 may be subjected to incomplete combustion and the product containing C2H2, passed at 700º over SiO2 coated with graphite to produce C6H6: residual gases are saturated with H2O vapor, preheated, subjected to partial combustion, and passed together with steam over a catalyst of Ni and MgO to obtain an impure mixture of CO and H2, which may be freed from CO2 and H2S and then used to make MeOH.