PATENTS 1496. ------. [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE, A. G.] [Production of Oxidation Products of Carboxylic Acids.] German Patent Appl. I 66,643. OZ 12,052, filed Mar. 7, 1940 (Cl. IV d-12 o). FIAT Reel B-196. frames 658-665: PB 83,253. In producing oxygenated products of carboxylic acids by the catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons, the liquid, olefinic hydrocarbons obtained through the catalytic hydrogenation of CO by H2, preferably under pressure and in presence of Fe catalysts, are subjected to oxidation by air of other O2-containing gases. Such hydrocarbon mixtures are very rich in olefins (up to 70-80%), particularly when they are produced from a synthesis gas containing <2 vol. H2-1 CO. Suitable catalysts for the oxidation are those consisting of Mn, Cu, Pb, Co, or alkali- and alkaline-earth compounds. The best temperature is 70º-140º . For the lower-boiling fractions pressure is often necessary (up to 200 atm.) ad a higher temperature (up to 180º). The oxygenated products have good lubricating properties: are solvents for natural and synthetic resins: and re useful as solvents and thinners in the paint and dye industries, as softeners in the linoleum, oil-cloth, patent leather, and plastic fields, and as an assistant in the finishing of textiles and leather as a substitute for fatty oils. |