1445.  ------.  [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE, A. G.]  [Process for Removing Foreign Gas Constituents From Gas Mixtures Under Pressure.]  German Patent Appl. -, filed Dec. 38, 1944.  TOM Reel 17. item 28. frames 652-658.

            Undesirable gaseous constituents are removed from gas mixtures under pressure, especially from the recycle gases of high-pressure synthesis, by washing with a washing agent in which the gas constituents to be removed have a specifically high dissolving power.  The washing agent saturated with the gases is treated in counterstream with the gas mixture set free by the regeneration of the washing medium, and the gas mixture resulting from the treatment is added to the synthesis gas at some suitable spot.  The washing agent is regenerated by flashing or by heating, and the gas mixture set free is compressed, if desired, to the pressure at which the process is carried out.  Gives diagram of the apparatus.