1416.  ------.  [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE, A. G.]  [Process for Obtaining Paraffin.]  German Patent Appl. -. OZ 13,344. filed Mar. 27. 1942. TOM Reel 17. item 36. frames 1,016-1,019.

            In obtaining paraffin form oils containing it by adding solvents and then cooling, better results are obtained without noticeable increase in the asphalt content or separations by producing polymerizates in the oil under treatment through careful aging.  Example: A paraffin-containing oil fraction from the pressure hydrogenation of brown-coal tar is distilled, and a fraction b. 345º-450º is mixed with 0.3% of a condensation product of chlorinated paraffin and napthalene as a filter aid and the mixture twice treated with propane at about -40º.  The paraffin thus obtained has a m. p. of 49.5º and contains 4.7% of oil.  Before working up to fatty acids the paraffin is distilled to separate the filter aid.  Should the oil fraction be carefully aged for several weeks in a steam-heated holder with exclusion of air, the double propane treatment gives an oil of m. p. 49.4º with 4.2% of oil.  The paraffin is ready for working up into fatty acids.