Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1219. ------. [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE A. G.] [Cracking Process.] Belgian Patent 429,755, Aug. 17, 1938. Chem. Zentralb. 1939, II, p. 2490. Oils that consist mainly or wholly of olefins, such as those obtained by the cracking of the paraffins from water gas synthesis b. 150°-300°, are treated in the vapor phase over catalysts in the presence of mononuclear aromatic hydrocarbons to produce highly antiknock motor fuels. To convert the existing low-boiling fraction into gasoline, either the reaction product is passed directly over a 2d polymerizing catalyst or a polymerizing catalyst is provided in step 1 in the vicinity of the exit for the reaction product. See also British Patent 503,602 (abs. 1133). |