Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1205. ---------. [Conversion of Carbon Monoxide With Hydrogen.] German Patent 73,177, OZ 13,668, filed Sept. 17, 1942 (Cl. IV d-12 o). FIAT Reel 170, frames 9,370-9,372 PB 64,236; Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch. vol. 7, chap. 192. 1950, p. 24. Improvement of German Patent Appl. I 70,663 (abs. 2316) is described : wherein the Fe carbonyl is passed in vapor form into an oil obtained in a previous operation by synthesis from CO and H2 and in which K2CO3 is suspended, whereby it decomposes into finely suspended Fe until the suspension amounts to 50% by weight when it is removed and ground to 1- to 5-micron fineness. The synthesis process is then carried out with the catalyst suspended in oil and with foaming of the synthesis gas as in the original application. The gasoline yield is improved some. |