Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1130. ------. [I. G. FARBENINDUSTRIE A. G.] Aliphatic Acids. British Patent 490,785, Aug. 22, 1938. Chem. Abs., vol. 33, 1939, p. 645. In the oxidation of paraffin hydrocarbons of high molecular weight at not >115° in the presence of Mn compounds in which the Mn is contained in the anion and an alkali in the cation, as described in British Patent 478,317 (abs. 1129), the Mn compound is added in solution in H2O or an organic solvent, for example, Me2CO, MeOH, EtOH, MeEtCO, acetronitrile, pyridine. After the catalyst solution is mixed with the hydrocarbon to be oxidized, the solvent is evaporated by gentle heating or removed by introduction of air or other gas; or when the mixing is effected in the reaction vessel the solvent may be removed by the action of the oxidizing gas. Examples describe the oxidation of brown coal paraffin and petroleum paraffin, respectively, with air or O2at 112-114° with use of KMnO4, in H2O and Me2CO, respectively. |