Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1124a. IBING, G., AND SCHACHT, W. (Ruhroel G.m.b.H.). [High-Molecular Reaction Products From Olefins and Sulfur Dioxide.] German Patent Appl. -, no date. TOM Reel 8, items 3-7, 3 pp. Example: 100 cc. primary gasoline from the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is mixed at –20º with 100 cc. of liquid SO2. Both gasoline and SO2 are completely mutually soluble. To the solution are added 50 cc. of peroxidized ethylbenzene as catalyst. After standing for 2 hr., the SO2 is evaporated and the gasoline and ethylbenzene distilled off. The polysulfones formed from the olefins of the gasoline are in the residue and can be freed from adhering gasoline at 40º in vacuum. From them can be obtained a white, shellac-like product. |