Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1115. HUMPHREY, H. A., AND SYNTHETIC AMMONIA & NITRATES, LTD. Water Gas, Methanol and Hydrogen. British Patent 282,573, Feb. 22, 1927. Chem. Abs., vol., 22, 1928 p. 3764. Coal is dried at 200º-300º by hot combustion gases, to which air is added to effect partial oxidation and control the coking properties of the material, and is then further subjected to low-temperature carbonization at not above 600º to produce a semicoke for use in a water-gas generator. The water gas formed may be treated with steam at high temperature to convert the CH4 into CO and H2, or the semicoke may be heated to a higher temperature before use for generating water gas free from CH4. The gas mixture is then passed over a catalysts containing finely divided Fe or other suitable metals at 200º-300º to produce higher paraffins and CH4, if present, the residue from this treatment, or the original gas mixture, is compressed and passed over a catalyst such as basic Zn chromate for producing MeOH or may be treated with steam in the presence of an Fe oxide catalyst at about 500º, converting the CO into CO2, with is then removed, leaving H2, which may be mixed with N2 for NH3 synthesis. HUMPHYREYS & GLASBOW, LTD. See abs. 2636, 3940. |