Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1114. ------ [HUMPHREY, H. A.] (Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.). Production of Water Gas and Hydrogen. Canadian Patent 281,814, July 17, 1918. Chem. Abs., vol. 22, 1928, p. 4235. In low temperature carbonization and gas manufacture, high coking coal is preheated in presence of O2 to control its coking properties; the product is carbonized at <600° to produce lump semicoke; the semicoke is gasified with steam, and the gas is treated with steam at high temperature to decompose the CH4. The gas is used for the synthesis of MeOH with the residual gas is used for NH3 synthesis, after replacement by the CO by H2, removal of CO and addition of N2. |