Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1113. HUMPHREY, H. A. (Atmospheric Nitrogen Corp.). Combustible Gas Containing Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide. United States Patent 1,794,232. Feb. 24, 1931. Chem. Abs., vol. 25, 1931, p. 2273. In a continuous gas-producing process a mixture comprising steam and O2, preheated to > 1,000°, is passed into and through a gasification chamber and finely divided solid fuel is fed into the chamber to contact and react with the preheated mixture and to generate gas at such a high temperature that CO and H2 substantially free from CH4 or other hydrocarbons and CO2 are produced: the hot generated gas is led into and through a 2d preheating stage, and from the latter combustible gas is withdrawn. A reversal of flow of the mixture containing steam and O2 is effected whenever its temperature, immediately before its contact with the fuel, tends to fall materially <1,000° and, irrespective of the direction of gas flow, the particles of solid fuel are maintained in suspension in a relatively large mass of enveloping gas in the reaction chamber. Describes apparatus. |