Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1111. HUGHES, W. B., AND NEWCOMBE, J. (Cities Service Oil Co.). Purification of Crude Alcohols. United States Patent 2,569,671, Oct. 2, 1951. Chem. Abs., vol. 46, 1952, p. 3062. Crude alcohols are purified by catalytic hydrogenation in the presence of H2O and acid to hydrolyze acetals. Crude alcohols (b. 58°-89° from controlled oxidation of natural gas) 500 ml., H2SO4 0.5, Cu chromite 8.35 gm., and H2 at 1,500 p. s. i. were heated 5 hr. to 200° (2,600 p. s. i.). Impurities in the crude alcohols and in the product are, respectively: Aldehydes calculated as EtCHO 6.6, O; ketones calculated as Me2CO 1.4 O; acetals calculated as H2C(Ome)2 2, Ol H2O 8.9, 8.9%; unsaturation (mgm. Br per ml.) 162, O. Crude alcohols from the Fischer-Tropsch process may be purified similarly; other catalysts containing Ni, Pt, Pd, may be used. |