Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1105. ------. [HUBBE-FARENHOLTZ G. m. b. H.] [Process for Improving Synthetic Fatty Acids.] German Patent Appl. H 154,167, Dec. 27, 1937 (Cl. 12 o-11). FIAT Reel R-6, frames 5,212-5,218; PB 73,554. This appears to correspond to French Patent 838,243 (abs. 3803). In the purification or refining of synthetic fatty acids obtained by the oxidation of paraffin hydrocarbons, the carboxylic groups are blocked by conversion into esters or acid chlorides, and the material is then heated in the absence of H2O or O2 to temperature preferably 220-320°. The heat treatment is carried out in the presence of N2, CO2, CO, or steam and at atmospheric or lower pressure. |