Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1101. HOWARD, F. A., AND PECK, E. B. (Standard Catalytic Co.). Synthesizing Liquid Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. United States Patent 2,274,064, Feb. 24, 1942; appl. filed Sept.1, 1936, Serial No. 98,880; 4 claims (Cl. 260-449). Chem. Abs., vol. 36, 1942, p. 3936. Process is employed in which the ratio H2 : CO in the feed gas to the hydrocarbon synthesis reaction is adjusted to substantially 2 : 1, and which involves supplying a fresh gas mixture of H2 and CO, re-forming at least a portion of the product gases leaving the synthesis reaction with an oxidizing gas selected from the class consisting of steam, CO2, and O2 in a proportion adjusted to produce a re-formed gas containing H2 and CO in a ratio supplementing the ratio of H2 : CO in the fresh gas, and mixing the re-formed gas with the fresh gas to obtain the feed gas of substantially a 2 : 1 ratio of H2 : CO. |