Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1100. HOUTMAN, J. P. W., ENGEL, W. F., AND HOOG, H., AND VAN’T SPIJKER, P. (Shell Development Co.). Group VIII Silicate Catalyst on Nonsiliceous Support. United States Patent 2,548,159, Apr. 10, 1951; appl. filed Jan. 13, 1948, Serial No. 2,133, in the Netherlands Jan. 17, 1947; 11 claims (Cl. 252-455). Chem. Abs., vol. 45, 1951, p. 5910. Fischer-Tropsch catalyst consists essentially of an inert silica-free support, a precipitated silicate of a metal of Group VIII, a metal of Group VIII in intimate association therewith, the amount of metal of Group VIII present as a silicate being about 0.5% and 60% of the total amount of said metal, the total amount of the metal being 10-60% on the finished catalyst. 7 United States patents cited. |