Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1098. HOUTMAN, J. P. W., ENGEL, W. F., AND HOOG, H. (N. V. de Bataafsche Petroleum Maatchappij). [Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Aldehydes, by the Reaction of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.] Netherlands Patent 64,719, Nov. 15, 1949. Chem. Abs., vol. 44, 1950, p. 1247. In the synthesis of C-containing compounds from CO and H2, as a rule, precautions are taken that the catalyst, Fe, Ni, of Co on a carrier, cannot be vitiated by silicates, for example originating from the diatomaceous earth used as a carrier, Netherlands Patent 50,858 (abs. 1677). Now it has been found that, on the contrary the catalyst, a metal of the Fe group should contain silicates, for example, 5-30% of the metal being present as silicate. Improvements are: By varying the proportion of the silicates the properties of the catalyst can be varied; new carriers can be used, that allow the pressing of catalysts to pellets or the use of fluidized catalyst. According to an example, comparative experiments are made with (1) a catalyst consisting of Co oxide on kieselguhr, (2) Co oxide on a Al2O3 as a carrier, (3) Co silicate-containing catalyst made by precipitating Co(NO3)2 partly with Na2CO3 and partly with Na silicate. With H2 about 60% of the CoO is reduced to metal. Hydrocarbons are synthesized from CO and H2 1 : 2 at 185° and 1 atm., continuously led over the catalyst at a rate of 1 l. per hr. per 1 gm. catalyst. In experiment (I) the yield of fluid hydrocarbons was 124 gm. per m.3 of gas, gradually diminishing to 116 gm.; in experiment (II) 70 gm., diminishing to 56 gm.; in experiment (III) a constant yield of 110 gm. was obtained during many hundreds of hours. |