Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1095. ------. [HOUDRY, E. J.] Preparation of a Multilayer Catalyst. United States Patent 2,643,980, June 30, 1953; appl. filed Sept. 23, 1950; Serial No. 186,503; 9 claims (Cl. 252-445). 301275°-55-PT. II-8 Claim 1. In a method for the manufacture of catalysts wherein the quantity of catalytically active material making up the catalyst is built up in a series of deposits produced by successive impregnations with a liquid solution containing said catalytic material, the improvement, which comprises applying to said successive deposits, between said successive impregnations, a protective film of an organic material that cannot be displaced or penetrated by said solution during said impregnations and is readily removable from said catalyst by oxidation. |