Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1093. HORNE, W. A., AND CRAWFORD, V. L. (Gulf Research & Development Co.). Synthesis of Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. United States Patent 2,632,016, Mar. 17, 1953. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 5666. Hydrocarbons are produced form H2 and CO in a fixed catalyst process in which a long catalyst life is obtained and the exothermic reaction is controlled. H2, CO, in a mol. ratio of 15 : 1 to 30 : 1, and recycled gases are passed in contact with a series of synthesis catalyst beds, preferably an Fe catalyst, at synthesis temperature and superatmospheric pressure. A side stream of part of the partly reacted gases is removed from between the catalyst beds while the main stream of partly reacted gas is passed to the succeeding catalyst bed. The side stream is cooled and a markup gas of CO is passed into it. Then the side stream is added to the main stream and passed to the next catalyst bed. The reacted gases are removed form the last bed and cooled to condense the liquids hydrocarbons. A portion of the remaining gas is then recycled with fresh feed gas into the reaction vessel. To obtain long catalyst life the temperature gradient across the catalyst beds is kept at 125°-165° F. The heat of the reaction is controlled by cooling the side stream from the discharge temperature of 610°-630° F. to at least 100° F. HOTTEL, H. C. See abs. 2526. |