Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1087. ------. [HOOG, H., ENGEL, W. F., AND KOOME, J.] (N. V. de Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij). [Refining Synthetic Alcohols.] Netherlands Patent 69,049, Dec. 15, 1951. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 141. Synthetic alcohols, prepared from CO + H2 or from olefins by the Oxo process, are refined by hydrogenation in the presence of a Ni catalyst. The refining is carried out in the presence of a stationary catalyst, disposed in the reaction space. The catalyst contains at least 25%, preferably > 35%, by wt. of Ni, calculated as metallic Ni, which in preparing the catalyst is partly precipitated in the form of a silicate, in an example the catalyst is prepared as follows: 0.5 l. of a Na silicate solution (containing 56 gm. SiG2) is added to 4.5 l. of a boiling solution of 420 gm, Na2CO3, then, in the course of 1 min., 5 l. of a boiling solution of Ni(NO3)2 containing 200 gm. Ni is added, and the precipitate is filtered, washed with H O at 95º, dried at 110º, crushed, and sieved. Of this powder, 380 gm. is mixed with 223 gm. powdered bauxite and 6 gm. powdered graphite, and the mixture is compressed to C9 alcohol prepared by the Oxo synthesis, containing 4.7% aldehydes, is led over the catalyst at 150º with H under 150 atm., the end product containing 0.04% aldehydes, and phthalates prepared from the alcohols are H2O-ciear. Ordinary Ni catalyst, containing 10% Ni gave alcohols with 0.80% aldehydes, giving brown phthalates. |