Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1075. HOFFMANN, E. [Process for the Continuous Oxidation of Paraffins.] German Patent Appl. H 164,747, PA 162,433, filed Mar. 1, 1941 (Cl. IV d-12o). FIAT Reel B-196, frame 484-487; PB 83,253. In the continuous oxidation of paraffins with air of O2-containing gases, where the occurrence of dark-colored oxidation products are to be avoided, a smaller part of the raw paraffins is passes in parallel flow with the oxidizing agent at higher temperature and pressure continuously through a heated tube zone, then combined with the greater quantity of unoxidized material, and both passed continuously at lower temperature and pressure through a temperate tube zone. This method is claimed to give a lighter-colored product with less of the oxyfatty acids. |