Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1070. HODGSON, M. A. E. (Imperial Chemical Industires, Ltd.). Reactors for Catalyzed Reactions. British Patent 680,865, Oct. 15, 1952. Chem. Abs. Vol. 47, 1953, p. 4665. Converter (1) is provided for reactions in which at least 1 component in the liquid phase is brought into contact with at least 1 other component in the liquid or gaseous phase and in which there is present 1 solid component, such as a catalyst or heat reservoir. The (I) contains at least 1 sheet of gauze positioned to ensure that any part of the solid components is within a desired horizontal distance from the sheet. The gauze consists of material wetted by the liquid components under the reaction conditions and has a weave in the form of galloon netting. Thus, in the direct catalytic hydration of propylene to isopropanol (II) at a pressure of 250 atm. and at 270° over a solid pelletted catalyst consisting essentially of a bine oxide of W. and output of (II) of 0.14 kg. Per 1 of catalyst bulk space per hr. was obtained. The (I). modified with 22 cylinders of stainless-steel galloon netting all coaxial with the (I) and spaced at regular intervals of 2 in. so that no point in the (1) was>1 in. distant from the nearest wire cylinder, produced and (II) output of 0.20 kg. This (I) is particularly applicable to reactions that use solid catalysts, such as the carbonylation of the olefins by CO and H2 to aldehydes or alcohols and the hydrogenation of creosoic or fuel oil. |