Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1067. ------. [HOCKBERGER, W. G.] (Standard Oil Development Co.). Recovery of High-Boiling Alcohols by Activated Alumina. United States Patent 2,619,497, Nov. 25, 1952. Chem. Abs., vol. 47, 1953, p. 1925. Describes commercially feasible process for the selective adsorption and recovery of specific oxygenated compounds, such as alcohol, from fuel fractions in the gasoline-kerosine-diesel-oil range, with minimum adsorption of aromatic hydrocarbons, by using a solid adsorbent containing high proportions of alumina. To demonstrate the process, a known mixture was prepared containing 20 vol. C9 alcohols, 20 vol. C10 aromatic tetrahydronapthalene, and 60 vol. C12 paraffins, all boiling in the range of 350°-375° F. Approximately 200 cc. of the mixture in 200cc. isohexane was percolated through a vertical glass tube, 1 in. diameter by 8 ft. long, packed with 50- to 200- mesh active alumina at 90°-95° F. Isohexane was added until the liquid leaving the bottom of the tube had the same refractive index as the isohexane, at which time the filtrate cuts were grouped as a 1st fraction, and all succeeding cuts were accumulated as the 2d fraction. EtOH (3 l.) was added to the column, and the 2d fraction was distilled to remove the isohexane and EtOH. This fraction, amounting to 20% of the original mixture, was exactly the same as the percentage of C9 alcohols known to be present. Inspection of the fraction showed an API gravity of 37.2 (38.7 for the original C9 alcohols) refractive index nbo of 1.43319 (1.43182 for the C9 alcohols). |