Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1063. HIRSCH, S. Oxidation of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons. United States Patent 2,391,236, Dec. 18, 1945; appl. filed Aug. 25, 1943, Serial No. 500,005; 17 claims (Cl. 260-451). Chem. Abs., vol. 40, 1946, p. 1866. Paraffinic hydrocarbons of high molecular weight are oxidized to fatty acids in a 4-stage process comprising (1) heating the paraffin to liquefy it, but not to a temperature about 150º; (2) intimately admixing with the liquid paraffin catalytic amounts of a heavy metal soap and a metal persalt, the latter at least being carried by an emulsion of H2O, a H2O-soluble soap, and an oleaginous material consisting of a fat or fatty acid; (3) dispersing through the emulsion a gas containing O2 and a minor amount of moisture; and (4) separating the products. When using normally solid hydrocarbons, the final products and fatty acids are white and have the consistency, color, odor, and ease of saponification of coconut-oil fatty acids. HIRSCHBECK, J. See abs. 944, 944a, 945. HOCHSCHWENDER, K. See abs. 1946, 1947. |