Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1059. HIRSCH, J. H. (Gulf Research & Development Co.). Catalytic Apparatus. United States Patent 2,585,462, Feb. 12, 1952; appl. filed Dec. 19, 1947, Serial No. 792,825; 7 claims (Cl. 23-288). Various structural and operative details are presented. Process and apparatus are adapted for use in any chemical reaction employing a solid catalyst and involving the removal or supply of large amounts of heat form or to the reaction zone. The desired objects are achieved by contacting the fluid reactants with one or more fixed beds of catalyst, each of which has its own heat exchange means and independently operating circulating means for moving the fluid reactants through the catalyst bed and over heat exchange means back to the circulating means, all disposed within a single reaction vessel. |