Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1057. ------ [HILL, B. N., AND WADLEY, E. F.] (Standard Oil Development Co.). Treatment of Synthetic Naphtha. United States Patent 2,544,317, Mar. 6, 1951; appl. filed Nov. 28, 1947, Serial No. 788,632; 8 claims (Cl. 260-450). Chem. Abs., vol. 45, 1951, p. 4920. Oxygenated organic compounds, including ketones, aldehydes, and esters, are removed from synthetic crude petroleum from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by distilling the crude in presence of a treating reagent, such as the lubricating-oil fraction, an alkali metal sulfonate, and an alkali metal hydroxide. This distillate fraction b. <600° F. is recovered. The alkali metal hydroxide is preferably Na hydroxide. The alkali metal sulfonate is preferably Na sulfonate. K and Li compounds may be used in both cases. 1 United States patent cited. |