Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1055. HILL, B. N., AND WADLEY, E. F. (Standard Oil Development Co.). [Separating Organic Oxygenated Compounds.] French Patent 971,154, Jan. 15, 1951; appl. filed Sept. 8, 1948. Chem. Zentralb., 1952, I, p. 3568. Reaction products of the conversion of CO and H2 comprising hydrocarbons and organic oxygenated compounds, mainly alcohols, are separated into a liquid and a gaseous phase. The liquid phase is treated with an aqueous alkali solution of 10°-20° Bé to remove the organic acids. The aqueous solution is separated from the hydrocarbon layer, and the latter is fractionated to obtain an ester-free product. |