Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1049. HIBSHMAN, H. J., (Standard Oil Development Co.). Hydrocarbon Synthesis Process. United States Patent 2,463,875, Mar. 8, 1949; appl. filed Sept. 18, 1946. Serial No. 697,806; 3 claims (Cl. 260-449.6). Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949, p. 4447. Reactant gases are removed from the synthesis zone and are scrubbed, preferably countercurrently, with a heavy petroleum oil such as an asphalt having a specific gravity 0.80-1.02 and a softening point less than 300° F. The temperature should not vary more than 50°-100° F. from the temperature maintained in the synthesis zone. The pressure should be kept, preferably, as high as that of the synthesis zone. At an absorption temperature of 200° F. a satisfactory oil rate is 4 bbl. oil per bbl. of product provided the pressure is about 50 p. s i., at 300° and 410° F., 4 bbl. oil per bbl. of product is satisfactory at 215 and 450 p. s. i. By this process considerable quantities of relatively low-boiling hydrocarbons are not absorbed in the medium but are recycled to the synthesis zone and converted to higher boiling hydrocarbons. 3 United States patents cited. |