Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1043. HESS, H. V., AND ARNOLD, G. B. (The Texas Co.). Extraction of Alcohols From the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis Product. United States Patent 2,558,557, June 26, 1951; appl. filed Sept. 13, 1946, Serial No. 696,912; 1 claim (Cl. 260-450). Azeotropic mixture of C2 and C3 alcohols, separated from the aqueous phase of the products of the Fischer-Tropsch conversion, is used for the extraction of higher boiling alcohols through the hydrocarbon phase. The alcohol-free hydrocarbon fraction obtained from this extraction is used to extract the lower boiling alcohols from the aqueous azeotropic mixture containing them. 5 United States patents and 2 literature refs. cited. |