Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1035. HEROLD, ------, WENZEL, ------, AND GEMASSMER, ------. (I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G.). [Production of Oxygenated Organic Compounds.] German Patent Appl. I 74,736, OZ 14,118, file Apr. 1, 1943 (Cl. IV d-12 o). FIAT Reel 172, frame 377; PB 25,616; TOM Reel 19, item 144, frames 1,680-1,683; Meyer Transl. PC-S-V, Oxo, vol. 2, chap. 34, 1948, p. 10. Raw material for the process is the oxygenated organic compounds mixed with olefins, which were obtained in a previous conversion of CO with H2 <250° and at medium pressure over an Fe catalyst. Example: A fraction b. 160°-180° from a product obtained by passing water gas over a fused Fe catalyst at 194° and 25 atm. (54% alcohols, 26% olefins, 2.2 esters and 7.3% aldehydes) is contacted with a Co catalyst having kieselguhr as the carrier and small amounts of Th and Mg oxides as the promoter. Then a CO+H2 mixture is added at 250 atm. pressure and the conversion performed at 135°. The product is then hydrogenated at 250 atm. and 180°, separated from the catalyst, esterified with boric acid, and the neutral oil not esterified was removed. The Boric acid ester is saponified and alcohols recovered. HEROLD, P. See abs. 3907. |