Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1030. HERBERT, W., AND WEITTENHILLER, H. (Metallgesellschaft A. G.) [Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen.] German Patent 746,887, Aug. 30, 1944; appl. M 146,080, filed Sept. 14, 1939 (Cl. 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA-90, frames 1,625-1,628; PB 70,275; TOM Reel 35, item 64, 11 pp.; TOM Reel 67, item 76, frames 1,131-1,133; Chem.-Ztg., vol. 69, No. 2, 1945; Chem.-tech. Übersicht, p. 9; Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch, vol. 5, chap.158,1949, p.40. Process is described for producing hydrocarbons from gases containing CO and H2 with Co catalyst at 180°-230° and 3-20 atm. in 2 or more stages. The fresh catalyst is 1st used in the 2d vessel for as long a time as it will be used in the 1st vessel. After 1 or 2 months the gas flow increases to about 2,000-4,000 m.3 per 800-1,000 kg. of Co in the catalyst per hr. Under these conditions CH4 formation noticeably increases, and the conversion of CO and H2 decreases. Hereupon the catalyst is transferred to the 1st vessel and used at lower gas flow of about 1,000 m.3 per 800-1,000 kg. of Co in the catalyst per hr. The gas composition is regulated to a CO : H2 ratio of about 1 : 1.7 or 1 : 1.98 before entrance into the next higher stage by adding H2-containing gases. |