Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1026. ------ [HERBERT, W., AND GROSS, II. W.]. (Metallgesellchaft A. G.). Process for Making Iron-Containing Catalysts for Carbon Monoxide Hydrogenation. German Patent 745,444, Mar. 2, 1944; appl. M 144,025, Jan. 25, 1939 (Cl. 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA 89, frames 65-68, PB 70,274; FIAT Reel E 33, frames 118-120; PB 70,436; Chem.-Ztg., vol. 68, 1944; Chem. Abs., vol. 40, 1946, p. 1982. Solutions of Fe salts containing also Cu compounds and compounds of metals of which the oxides are not readily reducible by H2 are precipitated with an alkali hydroxide, preferably KOH. The quantity of the alkali hydroxide is so chosen that, throughout the entire precipitation period or at least at its end the pH of the precipitate is 7.5-11 and preferably 9-10. This is of particular importance where the Fe catalyst is carried on diatomaceous earth. The precipitate is then washed, the washing being stopped when the wash H2O reaches a pH of 7.5. Then the catalyst is dried and reduced. |