Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1025. HERBERT, W., AND GROSS, II. W. (Metallgesellchaft A. G.). [Hydrogenation of Carbon Monoxide.] German Patent 763,233, Aug. 23, 1951; appl. M 143,284, filed Nov. 9, 1938 (Cl. 12 o). Chem. Zentralb., 1952, I, p. 625. CO is hydrogenated to polybranched hydrocarbons and O-containing organic compounds with or without the use of elevated pressure in catalyst reactors with closely lying cooling elements. The catalysts consist of the Fe hydroxide occurring in the decomposition of bauxite with additions of alkali-, Cr- or Al-compounds or Cu or mixtures of these. Up to 20% of the Fe (OH)3 can be reduced to Fe. Additions may amount to 5% or more. The mechanical stability of the catalyst can be improved by addition of 20% of cement before granulation (2-4 mm.). Removal of H2S, organic S compounds, and resin formers from the synthesis gas is expedient. 100 N m.3 of standard synthesis gas containing 60% CO, 30% H2, 10 inert gas are passed at 10 atm. pressure and 260° over a catalyst comprising 55Fe (OH)3, 20Al (OH)3 5CuO, 2KOH, 15SiO2, and TiO2 previously reduced with excess H2, 8% of the Fe (OH)3 is contained as free Fe. Yields are 145 gm. benzine (27%), higher boiling oil (20%), and paraffin (53%) calculated on inert-free exit gas. |