Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1023. ------ [HERBERT, W.]. (American Lurgi Corp.). Synthesis of Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. United States Patent 2,271,259, Jan. 27, 1942; appl. filed May 25, 1938, Serial No. 210,073, in Germany Jan. 20, 1937; 18 claims (Cl. 260-449). Chem. Abs., vol. 36, 1942, p. 3661. Process is employed for the conversion of CO and H2 into hydrocarbons with catalysts adapted to form benzine oil and paraffin under atmospheric pressure, the catalysts being arranged in a contact chamber adapted to maintain a desired reaction temperature therein, which involves maintaining a temperature in the contact chamber about 150° but below the temperature required for the exclusive formation of CH4 with the catalysts, maintaining a velocity of the gas flow in contact with the catalysts above 1n l. per hr. per gm. of hydrogenating metal in the catalysts, and adjusting the pressure of the gas to a pressure above atmospheric and sufficient that the time the gases remain in contact with the catalysts is more than 45 sec. Catalysts may be used such as Co, Th oxide, and kieselguhr. |