Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1016. ------ [HERBERT, W.]. (Metallgesellchaft A. G.). [Process for the Catalytic Conversion of Gases Containing Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Into Olefinic and Paraffinic Hydrocarbons.] German Patent 747,730, Oct 11, 1944; appl. M 136,985, Jan. 26, 1937 (Cl. 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel AA 90, frames 1,483-1,485, PB 70,275; TOM Reel 35, item 35, 9 pp. In preparing olefinic and paraffinic hydrocarbons by the Fischer-Torpsh synthesis method in the presence of catalysts containing Co and Th, a synthesis gas is used having the CO and H2 essentially in the proportion of 1:2, preferably 1:1.5 or lower with pressure of about 5 atm. or more. The catalyst preferably contains < 80 gm. of metallic Co per 1. of catalyst and the gas > 20% of inert constitutents. The content of inerts is regulated by recycling a part of the exhaust gas. |