Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1014. ------ [HERBERT, W.]. (Metallgesellchaft A. G.). [Iron Catalysts.] German Patent Appl. M 154,969, July 27, 1942 (Cl. IV d-12 o). FIAT Reel R-6, frames 5,353-5,358; PB 73,554; TOM Reel 35, item 64, 8 pp. Fe catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are made by precipitation from solutions of Fe salts and salts of other metals in boiling potash liquor. Especially suitable for the purpose are Fe nitrate together with Cu nitrate and nitrates of metals whose compounds are difficulty reducible by H2 such as Zn nitrate, Cr nitrate, and the nitrates of the rare earth metals. The pH after the precipitation should exceed 7. Kieselguhr is a suitable carrier The reduction of the dried, preferably granulated catalyst, should be preformed under mild temperature conditions of 250° with a large excess of H2 until less than 20%, preferably 8%, of the Fe compounds are reduced to the metallic state. |