Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1012. ------. [HERBERT, W.]. (American Lurgi Corp.). Hydrocarbons From Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. United States Patent 2,247,087, June 24, 1941; appl. filed Dec. 13, 1937, Serial No. 179,611, in Germany Nov. 30, 1936; 7 claims (Cl. 260-449. Chem. Abs., vol. 35, 1941, p. 6423. Process for obtaining hydrocarbons containing more than 1 C atom by the catalytic conversion of gas mixtures containing CO and H2 (in the presence of catalysts consisting of hydrogenating metals selected from Group VIII of the periodic system, difficulty reducible metal compounds, and a preponderance of carrier substances) at an elevated temperature below that at which the CH4 would normally be formed as the chief reaction product with the use of the same gases and the same catalysts, involves applying superatmospheric pressure during the conversion, indirectly cooling the catalyst during the conversion, passing a solvent over the catalysts during the conversion (which is adapted to free the catalysts from the paraffin formed, which is solid at room temperature to maintain the enrichment of the catalysts with such paraffin below 100% of the weight of such catalysts when free from such paraffin), and recycling at least a portion of the end gas of the synthesis. |