Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1006. ------. [HERBERT, W.] (Metallgesellschaft A. G.). [Catalytic Process for Higher Paraffinic and Olefinic Hydrocarbons.] German Patent 736,844. May 20, 1943: German Patent Appl. M 136,573, filed Dec. 10, 1936 (Cl. 12 6-1.03). FIAT Reel AA-90, frames 1,486-1,480: PB 70,275; Meyer Transl. PC-8-11. Fischer-Tropsch. Vol. 6, 1949, chap. 176. p. 36: Oel u. Kohle, vol. 40, No. 9/10 Mar. 1, 1944. Sch. 44: Chem. Abs., vol. 38, 1944. p. 3114. Synthesis is carried out in 2 stages. In the first stage CO and H2 are treated at approximately atmospheric pressure with the aid of catalysts that promote the formation of paraffin. At this stage the temperature is kept constant and at a level unfavorable to the formation of CH4. In the 2d stage, which comprises 1 or more steps, the pressure is raised. The treated material may flow continually throughout the entire process or it may be taken out between the various steps. |