Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 1000-1249 Patent Abstracts1004. HERBERT, W. (Metallgesellschaft A. G.). [Catalytic Conversion of Gas Mixtures Containing Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Into Hydrocarbons.] German Patent 744,076, Jan. 11, 1944; appl. M 138,086, May 16, 1937 (Cl. 12 o-1.03). FIAT Reel E 29, frames 610-611, PB 70,432; FIAT Reel AA 88, frames 3,730-3,732, PB 70,273; TOM Reel 35, item 64, 7 pp. In the process for the catalytic conversion of CO and H2 into aliphatic hydrocarbons at pressures > atmospheric and with use of catalysts consisting of CO, a difficulty reducible oxide, and a carrier, previously reduced catalysts are used containing at least 50 gm. of Co per l. of catalyst mass, the gas throughout being essentially >1Nm.3 per hr. and per kg. of metallic Co, preferably with gas recycle. Example: A catalyst consisting of Co:ThO2: kieselguhr =1 : 0.2 : 1.5 and containing 5 gm. of Co was packed in an Al tube in a layer 50 cm. long, and 5 l. of a gas mixture consisting of 30% CO, 60% H2, and 10% N2 were passed through it per hr. at 200º and atm. pressure. The yield of higher boiling oils and gasoline per N m.3 of raw gas was 105 gm. for only 1 day. On raising the pressure from 1-5 atm., the gas throughput from 5-15 N l. per hr., and the temperature so far that the Co conversion was the same as at normal pressure, the yield was 100-115 gm. per N m.3 of raw gas, and this rate was maintained for several weeks. |