Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 750-999 Patent Abstracts914. ------. [HANSEL, V.] (Ruchrchemie A. G.). [Process for Producing High-Performance Motor Fuels.] German Patent 733,749, Mar. 4, 1943; appl. R 108,271. R 533, filed Sept. 6, 1940 (Cl. 12 o-1.06). FIAT Reel AA-88, frames 4,141-4,142: PB 70,273: TOM Reel 177, frames 1,605-1,608: Meyer Transl. PC-S-II, Fischer-Tropsch. vol. 1. chap. 33, 1948, p. 82: Chem. Abs., vol. 38, 1944, p. 1094. High-grade fuels are obtained from CO hydrogenation. The C3C4 fraction of the primary product is polymerized and hydrogenated. The C7-C10 fraction is aromatized. The products resulting from the individual treatment of these fractions are then combined. |