Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 750-999 Patent Abstracts885. GRIFFIN, L. I. JR., AND KREBS, R. W. (Standard Oil Development Co.). [Synthetic Hydrocarbons.] French Patent 955,866, appl. filed Nov. 20, 1947, issued Jan. 20, 1950, in United States Nov. 22, 1946. Chem. Zentralb., 1950, II, p. 339. Hydrocarbons with 3 or more C atoms are produced from CO and H2, the ratio of CO : H2 being at least 3 H2 : 1 CO, preferably 4-6 H2 : 1 CO. The synthesis gas therefore is made from a mixture of CH4, H2O, and CO2 which contains 20-60% CO2 and 20-60% H2O. According to an example, the synthesis gas is made from a mixture of 40% CH4, 40% H2O, and 20% CO2 and in the presence of Ni at 700º-870º. A synthesis gas, which contains 64% H2, 16% CO, and 16% CO2, yields at 343º and 28 atm. C3 and C4 hydrocarbons beside higher molecular hydrocarbons and water-soluble alcohols. GRIGSBY, W. E. See abs. 879. |