Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 750-999 Patent Abstracts870. GRESHAM, W. F., AND HARDY, J. V. E. (E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.). Metallic Carbonyls. United States Patent 2,473,993, June 21, 1949. Chem. Abs., vol. 43, 1949. p. 9398. CO, H2, and a Co or Ni salt of a carboxylic acid at 50-1,200 atm. and 100º-375º give Co or Ni carbonyl, which is recovered from the reaction mass at 50º-100º by blowing with CO and scrubbing the exit gas with an organic solvent. Outstanding results are obtained at 100-1,000 atm. partial pressure of CO, and with an initial H2 : Ni ratio of 1 : 1-3 : 1 and an initial CO : H2 ratio of 25 : 1-500 : 1. EtCO2H is a suitable solvent for both reaction and recovery. |