Return to Abstracts of Patents Return to Abstracts of Patents 750-999 Patent Abstracts790. GESELLSCHAFT, FÜR LINDE’S EISMASCHINEN A. G. [Gaseous Mixture Rich in Hydrogen.] German Patent 699,489. Oct. 31. 1940 (Cl. 121-1.01). Chem. Abs., vol. 35, 1941. p. 7157. 2H2+CO is generated from CH4 in a special 2-compartment oven filled with coke. Enough O2 to effect the conversion and maintain the right temperature (1,300º) is fed through the bottom of the oven. H2O vapor is added to both the feed gas and the O2. The 2 compartments operate alternatingly. The oven is provided with a device to tap the slag. |